Reported by Jon Saperia/ DEC


A small number of us got together for the first working group meeting of
the DECNet Phase IV MIB working group.  At the meeting a number of items
were resolved, including the charter and schedule.

  1. We will need some assistance in the implementation of a proxy.
     ACTION: Steve Hunter will check to see if there is an help
     available at his facility.
  2. There was considerable discussion about the number of DECNet Phase
     IV objects to support since a full implementation will have more
     than a hundred variables based on current estimates.  The group
     agreed that we will consider making some objects 'optional' if the
     list grows to large.
     ACTION: I will attempt to produce a draft listing of objects
     (without the ASN.1) information within the next month or two so
     people can begin to review the objects.
  3. We also discussed overlap with vendors who already have some DECNet
     MIB support in their products.
     ACTION: I am using this mailing as a request to any vendors on the
     list to send copies of their DECNet MIBs.  I expect that most
     implementations will have only a very few variables implemented and
     they are all in the private section of their mibs so there will be
     no interoperability problems.
  4. The next step is the actual ASN.1 encoding of the variables, given
     the number this is a large task.  If there are any ASN.1 experts
     who want to help with this portion of the work, please send me ma


    Pablo Brenner             sparta!pbrenner@wnet
    Stan Froyd      
    Steven Hunter   
    Jonathan Saperia
    Mark Sleeper
    Linda Winkler   
