VRRP Working Group Minutes
Minneapolis IETF
March 18, 2002

Bob Hinden

Minutes taken by Rahul Bahadur.


Updated Milestones for working group charter
Update to VRRP (for IPv4)
VRRP for IPv6


Bob Hinden presented proposed agenda for the meeting.

Updated Milestones for working group charter

Proposed milestones:

July 2002	Resolve opens issues with IPSEC authentication methods

Oct 2002	Submit updated version of VRRP (for IPv4) for Proposed Standard

Dec 2002	Submit VRRP for IPv6 for Proposed Standard

2003		Conclude w.g. when new RFCs are published

In response to query from Bill Fenner added 02/03 deadline for MIB for VRRP for IPv6.

Feb 2003	Submit MIB for VRRP for IPv6 for Proposed Standard

Question as to whether v4 MIB should be enhanced (resulting in moving it to proposed standard again) or develop a new MIB for v6. Need to find a volunteer (please see MIB-specific notes again later in the minutes when v6 draft was discussed).

Update to VRRP (for IPv4)

Internet Draft: <draft-ietf-vrrp-spec-v2-06.txt>

Bob Hinden presented an update to the v4 draft. Several clarifications were required when this was proposed to standard and hence would like to cycle this again. Issues included:

1) Since proposed standard the document has evolved significantly through the contributions of several (new) people while some of the original authors have moved away. A proposed change to revise author list based on contribution level. Bill Fenner suggested revising editor list and moving original but now inactive authors to "Acknowledgements" section. Bob will contact authors to check for any objections to proposed changes.

2) Question whether to remove IPSEC AH and/or replace with VRRP-specific MD5.  Bill Fenner commented that implementation experience was required to help decide.  Also, there are a couple of ways of approaching this - shared key for a group or router-specific key. Brian Weiss commented that IPSEC AH-based security needed to be better defined for interoperability.  Issues relate to manual keying v.s.. dynamic keying, replay protection, etc.  Also Cisco is considering implementing this since Juniper already does or has plans of supporting it.  Gregory Lebowitz commented that this method is already being considered for PIM-SM.  Bill Fenner suggested that guidelines might need to be developed for protocols that have common characteristics (multicast over LAN, etc.).  Maybe to be discussed at Routing Protocol Security Requirements (rpsec) BOF scheduled for Thursday, 03/21.

2) Gregory Lebowitz asked if there were plans of including synchronization based on other mechanisms (e.g. DHCP).  Bob responded that no such plans at the moment.  Bill Fenner responded that this would have to be part of another working group.

VRRP for IPv6

Internet Draft: <draft-ietf-vrrp-ipv6-spec-02.txt>

Bob Hinden presented the v6 draft. Issues included: New MIB to update RFC 2787. Bill Fenner commented that more detail is needed to understand whether v4 and v6 MIBs are sufficiently different to warrant separate MIBs.  For example IGMP and MLD serve the same purpose for v4 and v6 respectively but are sufficiently different to warrant different MIBs.  Bob commented that we need help from people with more MIB experience.  Jessie Jewitt commented that it is usually easier to add to an existing MIB.  She also offered to help with the v6 MIB pending employer approval.

Meeting Adjourned