rfc9725v2.txt   rfc9725.txt 
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IANA has added a new entry in the “IETF URN Sub-namespace for IANA has added a new entry in the “IETF URN Sub-namespace for
Registered Protocol Parameter Identifiers” registry, following the Registered Protocol Parameter Identifiers” registry, following the
template in [RFC3553]: template in [RFC3553]:
Registry name: whip Registry name: whip
Specification: RFC 9725 Specification: RFC 9725
Repository: <https://www.iana.org/assignments/whip> Repository: <https://www.iana.org/assignments/whip>
Index value: TBD Index value: An IANA-assigned positive integer that identifies the
registration. The first entry added to this registry uses the
value 1, and this value is incremented for each subsequent entry
added to the registry.
To manage this sub-namespace, IANA has created two registries within To manage this sub-namespace, IANA has created two registries within
a new registry group called "WebRTC-HTTP Ingestion Protocol (WHIP)": a new registry group called "WebRTC-HTTP Ingestion Protocol (WHIP)":
* "WebRTC-HTTP Ingestion Protocol (WHIP) URNs" registry * "WebRTC-HTTP Ingestion Protocol (WHIP) URNs" registry
(Section 6.3) (Section 6.3)
* "WebRTC-HTTP Ingestion Protocol (WHIP) Extension URNs" registry * "WebRTC-HTTP Ingestion Protocol (WHIP) Extension URNs" registry
(Section 6.4) (Section 6.4)
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6.5. Registering WHIP URNs and WHIP Extension URNs 6.5. Registering WHIP URNs and WHIP Extension URNs
This section defines the process for registering new URNs in the This section defines the process for registering new URNs in the
"WebRTC-HTTP Ingestion Protocol (WHIP) URNs" registry (Section 6.3) "WebRTC-HTTP Ingestion Protocol (WHIP) URNs" registry (Section 6.3)
and the "WebRTC-HTTP Ingestion Protocol (WHIP) Extension URNs" and the "WebRTC-HTTP Ingestion Protocol (WHIP) Extension URNs"
registry (Section 6.4). registry (Section 6.4).
6.5.1. Registration Procedure 6.5.1. Registration Procedure
The IETF has created a mailing list, <wish@ietf.org>, which can be The IETF has created a mailing list, <wish@ietf.org>, which can be
used for public discussion of proposals regarding WHIP extensions used for public discussion of proposals prior to registration. Use
prior to registration. Use of the mailing list is strongly of the mailing list is strongly encouraged. A designated expert (DE)
encouraged. A designated expert (DE) [RFC8126], appointed by the [RFC8126], appointed by the IESG, will monitor the <wish@ietf.org>
IESG, will monitor the <wish@ietf.org> mailing list and review mailing list and review registrations.
Registration of new "ext" type URNs (in the namespace Registration of new entries in the WHIP registries defined in this
"urn:ietf:params:whip:ext") belonging to a WHIP extension MUST be document MUST be documented in a permanent and readily available
documented in a permanent and readily available public specification, public specification, in sufficient detail so that interoperability
in sufficient detail so that interoperability between independent between independent implementations is possible, and reviewed by the
implementations is possible, and reviewed by the DE as per DE as per Section 4.6 of [RFC8126]. A Standards Track RFC is
Section 4.6 of [RFC8126]. A Standards Track RFC is REQUIRED for the REQUIRED for the registration of new value data types that modify
registration of new value data types that modify existing properties. existing properties. A Standards Track RFC is also REQUIRED for
A Standards Track RFC is also REQUIRED for registration of WHIP registration of WHIP extension URNs that modify WHIP extensions
extension URNs that modify WHIP extensions previously documented in previously documented in an existing RFC.
an existing RFC.
The registration procedure begins when a completed registration The registration procedure begins when a completed registration
template, defined in Section 6.5.3, is sent to <iana@iana.org>. template, defined in Section 6.5.3, is sent to <iana@iana.org>.
Decisions made by the DE can be appealed to an Applications and Real- Decisions made by the DE can be appealed to an Applications and Real-
Time (ART) Area Director, then to the IESG. The normal appeals Time (ART) Area Director, then to the IESG. The normal appeals
procedure described in RFC 2026 [BCP9] is to be followed. procedure described in RFC 2026 [BCP9] is to be followed.
Once the registration procedure concludes successfully, IANA creates Once the registration procedure concludes successfully, IANA will
or modifies the corresponding record in the "WebRTC-HTTP Ingestion create or modify the corresponding record in the "WebRTC-HTTP
Ingestion Protocol (WHIP) URNs Registry" or "WebRTC-HTTP Ingestion
Protocol (WHIP) Extension URNs" registry. Protocol (WHIP) Extension URNs" registry.
An RFC specifying one or more new WHIP extension URNs MUST include An RFC specifying one or more new WHIP extension URNs MUST include
the completed registration template(s), which MAY be expanded with the completed registration template(s), which MAY be expanded with
additional information. These completed template(s) are intended to additional information. These completed template(s) are intended to
go in the body of the document, not in the IANA Considerations go in the body of the document, not in the IANA Considerations
section. The RFC MUST include the syntax and semantics of any section. The RFC MUST include the syntax and semantics of any
extension-specific attributes that may be provided in a Link header extension-specific attributes that may be provided in a Link header
field advertising the extension. field advertising the extension.
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* Ensure that any other request for a code point does not conflict * Ensure that any other request for a code point does not conflict
with work that is active or already published by the IETF. with work that is active or already published by the IETF.
6.5.3. Registration Template 6.5.3. Registration Template
A WHIP extension URN is defined by completing the following template: A WHIP extension URN is defined by completing the following template:
URN: A unique URN for the WHIP extension (e.g., URN: A unique URN for the WHIP extension (e.g.,
"urn:ietf:params:whip:ext:example:server-sent-events") "urn:ietf:params:whip:ext:example:server-sent-events")
Description: A descriptive name of the WHIP extension (e.g., "Sender Name: A descriptive name of the WHIP extension (e.g., "Sender Side
Side events") events")
Reference: A formal reference to the publicly available Reference: A formal reference to the publicly available
specification specification
IANA Registry Reference: TBD IANA Registry Reference: For parameters defined in an IETF Standards
Track document, list the RFC number. For parameters defined by
other organizations or in non-IETF documents, provide a stable,
publicly available reference (such as a URL or document ID). If
multiple specifications define or update the parameter, list all
relevant references.
Change Controller: TBD Change Controller: For Standards Track documents, this is "IETF".
Otherwise, this is the name of the person or body that has change
control over the specification.
7. References 7. References
7.1. Normative References 7.1. Normative References
[FETCH] WHATWG, "Fetch", WHATWG Living Standard, [FETCH] WHATWG, "Fetch", WHATWG Living Standard,
<https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org>. Commit snapshot: <https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org>. Commit snapshot:
<https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/commit-snapshots/ <https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/commit-snapshots/
edfa8d100cf1ecfde385f65c172e0e8d018fcd98/>. edfa8d100cf1ecfde385f65c172e0e8d018fcd98/>.
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