rfc9745v2.txt   rfc9745.txt 
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about the deprecation and how to best manage it. about the deprecation and how to best manage it.
4. Sunset 4. Sunset
In addition to the deprecation-related information, if the resource In addition to the deprecation-related information, if the resource
provider wants to convey to the client application that the provider wants to convey to the client application that the
deprecated resource is expected to become unresponsive at a specific deprecated resource is expected to become unresponsive at a specific
point in time, the Sunset HTTP header field [RFC8594] can be used in point in time, the Sunset HTTP header field [RFC8594] can be used in
addition to the Deprecation header field. addition to the Deprecation header field.
The timestamp given in the Sunset header field MUST NOT be earlier The timestamp given in the Sunset HTTP header field MUST NOT be
than the one given in the Deprecation header field. If that happens earlier than the one given in the Deprecation header field. If that
(for example, due to misconfiguration of deployment of the resource happens (for example, due to misconfiguration of deployment of the
or an error), the client application developer SHOULD consult the resource or an error), the client application developer SHOULD
resource developer to get clarification. consult the resource developer to get clarification.
The following example shows that the resource in context was The following example shows that the resource in context was
deprecated on Friday, June 30, 2023 at 23:59:59 UTC and its sunset deprecated on Friday, June 30, 2023 at 23:59:59 UTC and its sunset
date is Sunday, June 30, 2024 at 23:59:59 UTC. Please note that for date is Sunday, June 30, 2024 at 23:59:59 UTC. Please note that for
historical reasons the Sunset HTTP header field uses a different data historical reasons the Sunset HTTP header field uses a different data
format for date. format for date.
Deprecation: @1688169599 Deprecation: @1688169599
Sunset: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 23:59:59 UTC Sunset: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 23:59:59 UTC
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Reference: RFC 9745, Section 2: The Deprecation HTTP Header Field Reference: RFC 9745, Section 2: The Deprecation HTTP Header Field
6.2. The Deprecation Link Relation Type 6.2. The Deprecation Link Relation Type
The deprecation link relation type has been added to the "Link The deprecation link relation type has been added to the "Link
Relation Types" registry (Section 4.2 of [LINK]) as follows: Relation Types" registry (Section 4.2 of [LINK]) as follows:
Relation Name: deprecation Relation Name: deprecation
Description: Refers to a resource that is documentation (intended Description: Refers to documentation (intended for human
for human consumption) about the deprecation of the link's consumption) about the deprecation of the link's context.
Reference: RFC 9745, Section 3 Reference: RFC 9745, Section 3
7. Security Considerations 7. Security Considerations
The Deprecation header field should be treated as a hint, meaning The Deprecation header field should be treated as a hint, meaning
that the resource is indicating (but not guaranteeing with certainty) that the resource is indicating (but not guaranteeing with certainty)
that it will be or has been deprecated. Deprecated resources that it will be or has been deprecated. Deprecated resources
function as they would have without sending the Deprecation header function as they would have without sending the Deprecation header
field, even though non-functional details may be affected (e.g., they field, even though non-functional details may be affected (e.g., they
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